The Murphy Boys

30 days :: put the phone down

Posted by in letters to the boys

I am going to write every day for the next 30 days for at least 20 minutes. I am not sure whether to do this on this blog or on waking lumina but I think I’ll do it here. I am going to be honest. It’s something that’s kept me from writing on here lately. Not sure who is reading, not wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings or make anyone feel worried, feel offended, etc. So here’s your warning, for the next 30 days I am going to write a little…read more

So much love everywhere (and you can poo on the airplane): By Shiya

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Shiya has a facebook page and about 80 friends. Believe it or not these are all family or close friends, and all know Shiya well. Some live in Minneapolis but most live all over the US, some in other countries. Once a week or so we log onto facebook and look at the photos of people we love and read about what’s happening to them.  Sometimes people post a photo of fun video for Shiya and we look at those. I always ask if he wants to say anything to…read more


tears of gratitude

Posted by in letters to the boys

I never though I would be writing this post. I never thought that I would be able to say that when I thought of Ayrie I would cry tears of graditude instead of tears of grief. Today I was getting into my car to leave for my shamanic soul retrieval I stopped because wasn’t sure what I should listen to in the car to “get my head into the right space”. Silence maybe? Drumming? Meditative music? Definitely not news and probably not one of my audio books…. And then all…read more



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Last nigh I woke up at 1:05am from a deep sleep and had a work in my mind, ‘lightworker’.  So I sat up, grabbed the ipad, opened the google  screen and typed ‘lightworker.’  There were over 3 million hits!  i read through the top 20 hits and came to understand that “Lightworkers” are understood to be: Souls who carry the strong inner desire to spread Light – knowledge, freedom and self-love – on earth. They sense this as their life purpose. They are often attracted to spirituality and to healing work…read more


My work & school life… what I think about all day

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For the past 15 months my blog has been on from the heart and about my unfolding inner and spiritual life.  By day I am a PhD student in Evaluation Studies.  And my part time job is as an evaluator for the Minnesota Evaluation Studies Institute (MESI).  What is an evaluator?  Great question!  An evaluator can determine the strength and weakness of a program or organization, can establish objectives for it, pinpoint what is missing or needed, develop criteria for how to achieve the goal, and then track the progress…read more


epiphany at the water park

Posted by in letters to the boys

The Way It Is There’s a thread you follow. It goes among things that change.  But it doesn’t change. People wonder about what you are pursuing. You have to explain about the thread. But it is hard for others to see. While you hold it you can’t get lost. Tragedies happen; people get hurt or die; and you suffer and get old. Nothing you do can stop time’s unfolding. You don’t ever let go of the thread. ~ William Stafford ~ I am seriously dense.  I mean, I get soooo…read more


Thirteen Qualities of a Spiritual Life

Posted by in letters to the boys

I stumbled upon this blog post and I love this list.  I think about all of the qualities in myself and in my interactions with other but I think it would have taken me a long time to name all of these qualities.  This is a great list for reflecting on a moment, on a day, on the way I live my life.  Which one(s) are most important in your life?  Which do you struggle with?  Click here to read the original post by Phil Bolsta. ACCEPTANCE Love is blind; friendship closes…read more



Posted by in letters to the boys

Last night I received conformation that things are changing in me! For as long as I can remember I’ve had a recurring nightmare.  About four nights a week I am murdered (sometimes brutally, always after an exhausting attempt at escape).  Or, if I am not murdered I have to murder someone in order to keep myself and my family alive.  It kills something in side of me to take someone else’s life.  I wake up deeply afraid and exhausted. Often the feeling stays in the forefront of my mind for…read more


2012 Meditation

Posted by in letters to the boys

Last night I was meditating as the New Year reached the central time zone.  This is the mantra that developed in my mind and I felt compelled to write it down and share it.  I will use this and grow with it in 2012. Each line lasts for one full breath (in and out).  I mean these words  in the broadest sense possible.  For example…healthy in mind body and spirit…wealthy in friends, family, love, experiences, money, etc.   As I breath in, I am healthy. As I breath in, I…read more