The love challenge – Day 1

Posted by in Ayrie, Love

I’m part of a pretty amazing Wellbeing program. I started it back in May of 2015 and I’ve met some truly incredible people through the program. One considers herself my heart because she represented my heart in an exercise we did together. I have to say, in the months since she started telling me, “I’m your heart. Pay attention to me!”, I have paid attention to my heart more than ever before.

Yesterday she sent me a message:

Nora –

Text me about LOVE: XXX-XXX-XXXX
I invite you to a December LOVE commitment – every day you text me by the end of the day, how you generated LOVE in your life.
And I want to hear about your move. 😉
I wasn’t sure about this challenge. Is it really possible to generate love in my life every single day? In concept it sounds great, but when I was thinking about the practice, I became afraid that I would fall short. I even tried to renegotiate the challenge and texted her earlier today, “How about if I tell you how I followed my heart each day?” But she gave me a mantra…”Start with an affirmation now that says I generate love in my life today and every day.”

I chanted the mantra to myself for the last ten minutes of my walk. And then I had the most amazing experience. A purple light in the right of my peripheral vision and a bald eagle sitting in a tree to my left. These are the two experiences I have when Ayrie is near. I have never seen these two signs in the same place and at the same time. So I’m going to take it as a sign that the original challenge is the right one for me.

And it was so unbelievably easy!

love-noteTonight my 8 year old son said, “Mom, will you turn on the bath for me?”

I’m trying to clean up from dinner so I say, “Really? You’re 8. Can’t you turn on your own bath?”

He replied, “But mom, when you do it it feels like love.”

So that’s how I created love in the world today. I turned on a bath. A great reminder that the small things make a difference.

ps- there’s no actual move in sight. Just a commitment to get away from the long, cold, grey winters that depress me and make me feel closed off to the world and to move towards a place with Big nature, sunshine, saturated colors, and night blooming flowers.