thank you seth and antje!
I received a tall box the other day… “I think it’s a Christmas tree”, said Ian.  And when I opened the box I found the most wonderful little Christmas spruce.  It’s a live tree so we will be able to plant it in the spring.  It came with a string of white lights wrapped around the branches and a felt skirt with 25 tiny pockets containing ornaments, one for each day of the month until Christmas.  Shiya isn’t clear on how the whole calendar concept works so instead he joyfully sat on the counter next to the tree, looking for treasures in each of the pockets.  We aren’t going to have a ‘big tree’ this year as Shiya calls it… I think it would cause me to shed more than a few tears, feel more heart ache than I can handle.  But this little tree?  perfect.  Thanks Seth and Antje!