shiya’s tiny little thumb

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shiya had to have stiches on Friday because he got his thums stuck in a metal bell at daycare.  He stuck his thumb into the bell, and it caught on the metal edges when he was trying to pull it out.  you would never have known that he had a jagged cut on two sides of his thumb because he was crawling around like nothing was wrong!  I took him to the emergency room and he was so happy, that they assumed I was over-reacting.  When the dr. saw his cut, he gave an audible gasp of surprise.  so they put a numbing cream on it and we had to wait 20 minutes.  during that time, shiya fell fast asleep in my arms.  they were actually able to clean out the laceration, cut away the fatty tissue, and give three stiches, all while he was asleep.  it was pretty impressive!