balancing act for shiya
yesterday we had to cancel shiya’s afternoon plans because the farmer’s market was just too much for him.  We did our Saturday morning ritual of swim lessons followed by the farmer’s market.  One is across the street from another and as we walked over the the market shiya gripped me tightly and said, “we won’t be sad.  right, mom?”  and we weren’t.  we saw people, smiled, ate hot dogs and drank fizzy ginger lemonade.  But when we got home he lost is and cried and threw things about for hours.   I’m pretty sure he didn’t even know why he was crying.  Later he told me that he felt yucky and asked if I felt yucky too.  I assured him that I did.  I cancelled his afternoon plans and finally got him down for a nap.  At which point I broke down and cried through the night and well into the morning…alternating between sleep and tears.  (I received some really emotional letters yesterday, including a wonderful letter from the anesthesiologist who put in Ayrie’s IV.  But that’s for a different blog post.) Shiya woke up from his nap and was able to go to some the home of some good friends for dinner where shiya was apparently dancing in their kitchen.
Oh! I’m so gald they were able to play together outside of school! 🙂